Hello, Blue Plate!

I used to live across the street from Hollywood Video in Uptown, Minneapolis. And when I say lived across the street, I mean I inhabited a dumpy furniture-less, doorless apartment above a pizza place. Now that I think about it, I don’t think Hollywood Video was even there back then – it sprang up later, with it’s stained carpeting and giant logo.

I will cherish its memory.

BUT I can’t wait to go to the latest creation by theĀ Blue Plate Restaurant Company! It will become, like all of its siblings (Edina Grill, Highland Grill, 3 Squares, Longfellow Grill, Groveland Tap, and Scusi) an instant neighborhood classic. They chose Tanek, of course, to design the new restaurant. Possibly because Nat loves a good Patty-Melt

From Blue Plate Restaurant Company’s mouth: “We like to think of ourselves as a different kind of player in the Twin Cities restaurant scene successfully creating places with common characteristics that are suited to their individual locations.”
